сряда, 30 април 2008 г.

Don't Let Me Down - The Beatles (1969)

Thank You for all You have been to me, my friends.. and for the fact that You never let me go down alone, but always being beside me..

I love You! With all my heart!

Yours forever, Eden!

неделя, 27 април 2008 г.

Happy Easter!

Христос воскресе!

Бъдете здрави и щастливи! :)


събота, 26 април 2008 г.

Country Feedback - R.E.M.

This flower is scorched
This film is on
On a maddening loop.
These clothes,
These clothes don't fit us right
I'm to blame
It's all the same
It's all the same

You come to me with a bone in your hand
You come to me with your hair curled tight
You come to me with positions
You come to me with excuses
Ducked out in a row
You wear me out
You wear me out

We've been through fake-a-breakdown
Self hurt
Plastics, collections
Self help, self pain,
EST, psychics, fuck all
I was central
I had control
I lost my head
I need this
I need this
A paper weight, junk garage
Winter rain, a honey pot
Crazy, all the lovers have been tagged.
A hotline, a wanted ad
It's crazy what you could've had
It's crazy what you could've had
It's crazy what you could've had
I need this
I need this

The long Sabbath


This is the first time when i am coming here with such a mess inside my head, running thoughts, feelings.. I have so much to say. But i am not even sure it is worthy to mention them..
Well.. i have to begin from somewhere after all..

Today here it is 26th of April 2008 and the East - Orthodox Church's Long Sabbath, the day before Easter..
I was waken up by my mobile alarm, because it was time for my Italian classes.. And i was so-so-lazily-an-sleepily, that i just crawled toward the bathroom and half-unconscious i took a shower and brought my sleepy ass to the first taxi, which brought it at the faculty and guess what! Today i was a student with private lesson.. none of the other of my course mates woke up... So, after 3 bottles of coca kola light (see, how with the aspartam i am satisfying my needs for caffee and sugar!), and an awful new Grammar Tense - Passato remoto"(!!!!), we finished the lesson with my teacher, we wished each other "Buona Pasqua" and i fled away for home, but on my way i received a call from a friend of mine :) She lives in Varna with her bf/D and they have arrived here for the Easter Eve. So, i had a late lunch with them and saw my collar for a first time since August. It was a strange feeling. It wasnt pure anger, cause it reminded me also nice memories, but also for sadness and disappointment. After the lunch we searched for Easter cakes with fruits, but, sadly or not, the shop was closed.. So, we both had eggs waiting for to be paint at home, so, we said good bye and i came back home, exhausted, sleepy, with the heavy bags of the shop..
The eggs werent still boiled, so, i laid in front of the TV with a piece of Brie and a tomato and..what to see? A movie...

A movie i saw months ago.. A movie i watched with a person, that made me the saddest and the most lonely person on this planet.. "Unhook the stars".. She was his sister's fave actress as well as his.. I watched it..i remembered it and i heard a song there.. for which song i was sure it was of his fave band, no matter i havent head it before or so on... So, i came online and searched for the actress, then for the movie,then for the soundtrack and finally.. i saw a song, performed by REM, his fave band.. tell me, isnt it a f***ing mixture of coincidences! Because today is 26th April! The 4th month of silence! The end of the Lent! The movie! The song! The "scorched flower" from the beginning!
Who is this scorched flower? fiore bruciato.

After finding the song, me and my mother, we painted the eggs for easter.. it was really so nice :) My hands are all coloured :D and the eggs are a masterpiece :D sadly i cant make a pic of them, but a week ago our camera was stolen, so.. :) it wasnt meant the eggs to be shown to You :)

Btw, the song is really a nice one... i will add it from Youtube :)

Now it is time for Church... we are going to go to the Seminary.

The Lent is about to end after an hour or so.... I was surprised by myself that i kept so long without meat, alcohol, sweets... and other things :0 of the pleasure of life :)
Not that my wish turned into reality, but... My hope is long time ago back, closed into the Pandora's box and.. i wont open it!

Tutto è perduto! :)
And every bad thing comes for a better one..

We leave now for the Church!


Yours, Eden

петък, 25 април 2008 г.

Cheers with a Virgin Mary!

Have You ever tasted it? A wonderful Bloody Mary, but without the sinful ingredient. That is alcohol ;) And yes, sinful! Because we are still in Lent for Easter and alcohol is also forbidden.. ;)
And since Your Eden wishes throughly to whiten her soul :) She follows some of the rules of the Lent :) And dont ask why tonight i had a dream of sinning with a bar of chocolate!!! ;)

Anyway.... few days left.. Tomorrow..or today even (cause it is quite late and i was supposed to be already in bed, cause tomorrow morning i have to be at the notary house, because i have a practice to do there) Christ was crucified and bleeding, suffering, He sacrificed Himself for the goodness of all humans.. and the purity of our souls...

This reminds me of a play i saw few years ago on @lma @lter scene. Its name was "Is Jesus a suicide?". Sadly, really sadly that they had probs with the Church and not play it anymore..
As far as i remember, the author was a young boy, at my age. When i was watvhing the play,listening to the text of the actors, feeling their emotions, i was thinking- this is me, this is me! those thoughts are my thoughts! I was about to cry! And at the end (not the original one, because the director stopped the play before the original end even two time.. the reason we were told, was that they stopped being actors. he changed 2 different crews that evening and none of them finished the play.. ), when i saw that the author was a boy of my age, i just understood why i felt his thoughts as mine.. i still remember them... I will try to translate it, but please, dont kill me for the coming translation. I am just a girl, not a poetess.
Here they are:

Колко смирени хора има!

How submissive people come into being!

И все още се раждат такива!

And they persevere to come into being!

И все още се раждат!

Still come into being!

Не знаят ли, че след миговете на непокорство

Aren't they aware of it, that after the moments of disobedience

и гордост не следва смирение, а безразличие…

and pride not submission comes, but indifference

безразличие към самия себе си, към собствената

indifference for your own self, for your own destiny,

ти съдба, нежелание да бъдеш повече,

the wish for not to be anymore,

оголван, вътрешно разсъблечен чак до необикновено

naked, stripped inside till the incredibly delicate

тънките нишки на инстинктите за самосъхранение

fibre of the self preservation instincts..

Е, моли се, хайде, моли се!

Well.. beg me! Come on! Beg me!

Да видиш колко е лесно да се молиш!

let's see how easy it is to beg!

И се смей! Тогава, когато аз ти кажа!

And laugh! laugh just at the moment when i tell you to!

Признанието, че си слаб е много

The acceptance that you are weak is so much

Повече от усещането, че си силен.

more than the feeling of being strong.

Слабостта се превръща в сила,

weakness turns into strength

Когато я осъзнаеш, когато я признаеш.

when you realize it, when you accept it..

Maybe the quotations arent 100% correct, but i was just a visitor there.. And i hope the author is not gonna kill, if one they he could see my midnight translations and quotations.. *blushing*
My confession that am just in love with him and his play, i hope, will help me and make him merciful towards this one O;)

In a conclusion.. i would like to say that we never know if, when, how, by whom a 2nd chance could be given to us!
As the Virgin Mary to sin into a Blooding Mary;
as the white silk kajira to become a red silk with the fascinating ritual of the goreans;
as the son of God sacrificing His mortal body for others' immortal souls
as the doc, looking up at your face, saying - congrats! A 2nd chance!;
as God and Mother Nature giving you an unique feminine protection for a new beginning, a second chance!

What would You do if You had a second chance?
Would You waste it with the first one? or to wait for the aliens of hypothetical planets and galaxies, of imaginative realms?
Will You sin?
And aren't the sins just our own excuses?
Is there a most severe punishment than the lack of punishment?

What i can say for my second chance is... Thank You, God! And be with me! Let me be what You want me to be!

Yours, Eden

сряда, 23 април 2008 г.

Belgian Laws..

Hello Everyone! :)

Your Eden is now again working over her practice at the Parliament. Today was another meeting of the group, working on the legislative research on the topic "Election systems in EU and US", of which one i am a part, considering the legislations of Bulgaria, Italy and Romania. But You know that , because i was complaining enough about my probs in finding info in English ;) And that i had to use also my "italian" language too :D

A new research has already begun. This time i have more countries to research and more over- i have to use my French! :D Which..apparently i havent used since ..July??? when i was researching about the Administration of the French Assemblée nationale and Senate...That is because i have to research about France, Belgium, Italy and Romania (again)...

So, since the long vacation for Our Easter, 1st May, 6th May, when the entire Sofia and half Bulgaria will be emptied by her citizens from 26th of April till 6th of May, i am here and researching... (see, how ambitious i am..but dont be confused! This is so, because Yor Eden was proclaimed for a coordinator of the PPPLR {Public- Private Partnership Legislative research - if You have info- call me! pleaseeeee} and i have to be perfect, You know... how then to manage and push up the others?!;))

What i found first (in English, because, opposing the general opinion, that almost everything in Belgium is in French, most of the stuff, till now, is in Flemish!!!!!!!!!!See- i will be happy to find what i need in French even! ;D) was a Belgian law.
This particular law is not so important, but what impressed me so much was the beginning of the provision! (btw, i need a Juridical English language course ;) any volunteers for donating or sponsoring me? *angelsmile*)

let me show You how a Belgian Law begins:

"King Albert II of Belgium,
extends his greetings to all citizens, present and future.
The Parliament has adopted and we have approved the following:.............."
Isnt it amazing? Maybe it is normal way for a beginning of a Law in monarchies, but.... this is my first time, i guess...


I have to go back to the research!


Yours, Eden

понеделник, 21 април 2008 г.

Your name in Ancient Egyptian

Hello Everyone! :)

I am coming here just to say hi and to show You this link, where You can see how it could be written Your name in Ancient Egyptian ;)

This is the link: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/egypt/translator.html

And this is my name: ;) http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/egypt/glyphCertificate.html?hpylg=656869767378653269686978

I wish You All a nice evening!


Thanks to Yoanna for those links ;)

сряда, 16 април 2008 г.

a wink!

hi everyone!

i will come back soon!
these days i had some personal probs and i am still not able to write in the appropriate way, but soon i will return :)


i love You!


сряда, 2 април 2008 г.

Officially Masters

Good evening!

This time i won't flood You with hundreds of pics, just few - from the official ceremony of our graduation... We are now even on paper Masters in law sciences :D
We had a lot of fun, but now i have stomachaches, so, please, let me tell You about the ceremony and the parties after that tomorrow. Enjoy the pics ;)

Yours, Eden

me and iluminada with one of our favourite professors a "masters-and-doctors" mess

no toga :P
"Правото отидоха в Кривото" :D