вторник, 11 март 2008 г.

Kisses of the past...

Hello, everyone! :)

Tonight i am coming here just for a while - just for sharing with You an old piece of painting i used to make in highschool. I found it at an old forum account on the net and just remembered the past... here it is..;)

I wonder where the original is?! *rollingeyes*

Eden, the *painter*

2 коментара:

vlad каза...

...so you're now (already) more and grown Marché @ black&white =)

Point the eyeline - key position, indeed. But I guess it's not the full "script".

Анонимен каза...

it is not... but i dont really know where the original one is...

and more over "je suis une amateure"

thanks anyway ;)