четвъртък, 14 август 2008 г.

funny :DDDD

here i am putting a pic that made me LOLOLOLOLOL!

Thanks to Nejno Stava :)


ben tornata ;)

Hello, Everyone!

It's been long time ago since the last time i was her, but obviously, after the hot, urgent stuff at the end of July, the lowered speed made me too lazy...and uneventful :)

Not that i didnt have nice moments..

The concert of Metallica...
The concert of Leni Kravitz..
The laziness of the deputies..
The fights with the secretary of the court..and so and so and so...

Summer is fading away..but it is still summertime! And soon i will meet again my lovely sea:)

Hope to see You soon, All of You!


Yours, Eden